• Procedure for monitoring rotating machines using "blind" separation of vibration sources and RENY entropy segmentation, authors: Cioboată Doina Daniela, Popescu Theodor Dan, Manolescu Mariane Veronica, Stanciu Dănuț Iulian, B.I. 133003/ 30.01.2024.
• Device for the development of neuro-muscular control / dynamic and static balance, strength and endurance of the lower limbs and mobility of the coxo-femoral joints, of athletes, author: Badea Cristian Radu, B.I. 133245/28.06.2024.
• Axial system of coupling-decoupling and angular orientation: authors: Gheorghe Gheorghe, Moldovanu Alexandru, Stoica Gheorghe, B.I. no. 131741/ 28.07.2023
• Anti-error monitoring system intended for application on various hand tools, Authors: Sergiu Dumitru and Badea Cristian Radu, BI nr. 131907/30.08.2022 • Fast Axial Coupling-Disconnecting System, Authors: Gheorghe Gheorghe, Moldovanu Alexandru and Stoica Gheorghe, BI nr. 131996/30.08.2022 • 4D mechatronic-mixmechatronic control system used in laboratory and industrial environments, authors: Gheorghe Gheorghe, Ilie Iulian, Anghel Constantin, B.I.132678/26.02.2021 • Mechanical hygrostat with lamellar electrical contact, authors: Codrut Darie, Florin Ontanu, B.I. 129948/29.01.2021 • Real-time monitoring and active post-self-correction device, authors: Badea Cristian Radu, EP20465535.1/12.06.2020 • Gripper-based flexible mechatronic micropositioning equipment, authors: Munteanu Iulian - Sorin, Gheorghe Gheorghe, Zapciu Aurel, Istrițeanu Simona-Elena, Ancuța Paul, B.I.130681 / 30.04.2019 • Device for measuring open circular profiles, authors: Aurel Ionel Abalaru, Daniela Doina Cioboata, Danut Iulian Stanciu, Cristian, Constantin Logofatu, Florin Traistaru, B.I. 128235/30.01.2018 • DGrabbing device, author: Vasile Iulian, B.I. 129155 /30.08.2017 • Adaptive anatomical implant for the treatment of proximal congenital radio-ulnar synostosis, authors: Burnei Gheorghe, Comsa Stanca, Pacioga Adrian, B.I. 129520/29.09.2017 • Dispozitiv Tipodont pentru simularea tratamentelor stomatologice si ortodontice, autori: Stanca Comsa, Adrian Pacioga, Maria Stefan, Dan Nastase Ciobota, Ion Mihail, Stanciu Matei Stefan, B.I. 129503/29.09.2017 • Anatomical-adaptive femoral stem, authors: Stanca Comsa, Adrian Pacioga, Maria Stefan, Dan Nastase Ciobota, Florica Moldoveanu B.I. 128084/29.11.2017 • Monitoring Module for the the outer diameters employed during the grinding process, authors: Aurel Abalaru, Danut Iulian Stanciu, Daniela Doina Cioboata, Cristian Logofatu,Florin Traistaru, B.I. 128424/29.11.2017 • Sistem de pozitionare robotic multi hexapodal, authors: Margaritescu Mihai, Brisan Cornel, Panaitopol Horia, B.I. 125589/ 29.01.2016 • Mechatronic equipment for checking perpendicularity, authors: Popan Gh., Sorea Sorin, Cretu Cornel, B.I. 125734/ 30.09.2016 • Portable electronic equipment and method for assessing energy consumption during human walking, authors: Capriş Georgeta, Miu Silvia Nicoleta, Constantin Anghel, Olaru Mircea, Constantin Steluţa, B.I. 125076/29.11.2016 • Mechatronic equipment for calibrating nanotechnology products, authors: Popan Gh.,Lung Ioan, Boga Ioan, Serban Gh., Budu Gica B.I.127553/29.05.2015 • Method for measuring the deviation from symmetry of two transverse holes made in a bushing-like part, authors: Hacman Maihai, Ionita Gheorghe, B.I. 128909/30.10.2015 • Multiple head for measuring gear teeth, authors: Hacman Maihai, Ionita Gheorghe, B.I. 128951/30.10.2015 • Underwater ultrasonic receiver with common body sealing module, authors: Moldovanu Alexandru; Margaritescu Mihai, Lung Ioan; Vlad Vaduva, B.I. 130278/30.12.2015 • Robotic process for processing aluminum housings, authors: Vocurek Marian, Beca Paul, Marinescu Cristina, Munteanu Iulian, B.I. 123588/28.03.2014 • High precision intelligent mechatronic system for measuring linear micro-displacements, authors: Georghe Gh., Beca Paul, Olaru M., Mocanu Neculai, Ancuţa Paul, Ilie Iulian, Munteanu Iulian, B.I. 125124 / 28.02.2013 • Ultrasonic measurement system of sediment deposits in reservoirs, authors: Mihai Margaritescu, Alexandru Moldovanu, Vlad Vaduva, Cristian Draghescu, Florin Isvoranu, B.I. 128113 / 31.07.2013 • Interface circuit for resistive sensors, authors: Anghel Constantin, Dumitru Sergiu, B.I. 125345 / 29.11.2013 Rainwater collector for individual irrigation of greenhouse plants, authors: Onţanu Florin, Tănase Adrian, Darie Codruţ, B.I. 123469 / 30.08.2012 • Electric machine for applying protective coils on pre - assembled electrical wires and cables, author: Badea Cristian, B.I.123237 / 30.03.2011 • Two rectangular directions travel system, author: Vasile Iulian, B.I. 125517 / 29.04.2011 • Device for optical measurement and recording of deformations of construction materials for roads, authors: Romanescu Constantin, Dicu Mihai, Stanciu Danut, Stefan Vasile, B.I. 123320 / 29.07.2011 • Optoelectronic device-based pressure switch, authors: Munteanu Petre, Badea Diana Mura, Vlad Dumitru, Munteanu Iulian, B.I. 123375 / 30.11.2011 • Installation and procedure for checking the technical characteristics of transient pressure transducers, authors: Bajenaru Valentina, Badea Diana Mura, Vlad Dumitru, Olaru Mircea, B.I.123128 / 30.11.2010 • Installation for checking the behavior during destructive overpressures, authors: Vlad Dumitru, Eugen Condurateanu, Valentina Bajenaru, B.I. 122934 / 30.04.2010 • PLaser beam processing process for welding diamond segments, authors: • Georghe Gh., Beca Paul, Marinescu Cristina, Zapciu Aurel, Munteanu Iulian, B.I. 122903 / 30.04.2010 • Mechatronic system for measuring angular displacements, authors: Georghe Gh., Beca Paul, Mocanu Neculai, Ancuţa Paul, Olaru Mircea, Ilie Iulian, B.I. 122847 / 30.03.2010 • Smart Mechatronic Micro-System for High Precision Dimensional Measurements - DIGITIL, Authors: Gheorghe I. Gheroghe, Beca Paul, Mocanu Neculai, Ancuta Paul, Olaru Mircea, Ilie Iulian, B.I. 122874/30.03.2010 • Gas thermometer with optoelectronic contacts, authors: Pascu Constantin, Badea Diana, Cristea Mircea, B.I. 121353 / 30.03.2009 • Method and equipment for checking the indications of altimeters and speedometers on board aircraft and testing the tightness of the pneumatic systems associated with these indications, authors: Guta Tudor, Badea Diana, Vlad Dumitru, Munteanu Petre, Lupu Dan, B.I. 122465 / 30.06.2009 • Thermosensitive-type train, authors: Pascu Constantin, Vlad Dumitru, Badea Diana Mura, B.I. 122698/30.11.2009 • Micromanometer, authors: Munteanu Petre, Badea Diana Mura, Vlad Dumitru, Munteanu Iulian Sorin, B.I. 122745 / 30.12.2009 • Parts control system with complete and automatic operator protection, authors: Hacman Mihai, Ionita Gh., Florin Andrei, Badea Sorin, B.I. 122744 / 30.12.2009 • Elastic trolley with overload protection, authors: Hacman Mihai, Ionita Gh., Florin Andrei, Nineaca Dan, Bostaca Daniela, B.I. 122719 / 30.12.2009 • Device for mounting safety-type elastic elements in bores, authors: Hacman Mihai, Ionita Gh., Stoica Eugen, Arabagian Isabelle, B.I. 122718 / 30.12.2009 • Electronic equipment and method for the assessment and recovery of human balance, authors: Capriş Georgeta, Tacutu Ileana, Olaru Mircea, B.I. 122009 / 28.11.2008 • Active laser control equipment for thin wires, author: Popan Gheorghe, B.I. 121614 / 28.12.2007