The National Institute of Research and Development in Mechatronics and Measurement Technique (INCDMTM) , based on a rich tradition and an active presence - of over 50 years in Mechatronics and Intelligent Measurement Technique - is the only research-development institute activating in this industrial field, in Romania.
INCDMTM operates based on Government Decision no. GD 1303/1996, with subsequent amendments: GD 590/2000, ROF approval, GD 21/2006, ROF amendment, GD 1007/2008, title change (Mechatronics and Measurement Technique appears), GD 1029/2009, approval of the new ROF.
The research and development directions developed within the National Plan for research and development and innovation, the Sectoral Plans and "Nucleu" Program, within the International R&D and Innovation Programs, and other specific activities include:
1. Smart Measurement Mechatronics:
• Mechatronic integrated control systems;
• Smart precision and control measurements;
• Complex automation and control systems;
• Environmental engineering and systems based on renewable energy;
• Smart thermotechnical measurements.
2. Biomedical and Robotic Mechatronics:
• Biomechatronics;
• Smart systems. Data Acquisitions and Robotics;
• Investigation Microsystems. Biosensors and Biomaterials;
• Rapid Prototypingy;
3.Micro and Mechatronic Nanotechnologies:
• Micro and process nanotechnologies;
• Mechatronic MEMS and NEMS;
• Smart Measurement Technologies;
• Preparation of metallographic samples;
• Smart mechatronic systems for site securing and intervention.
At the same time, INCDMTM carries out additional related activities, which support the main research activity:
Technological transfer of its own research results and consultancy services - via the Relay Center for Technological Transfer and Consultancy (CRTTC), accredited via the Certificate no. 147/2023;
Development and marketing strategies; analysis, testing and assessment services performed in its laboratories accredited by RENAR: The Length Testing Laboratory (LIL) and The Pressure, Temperature Calibration Laboratory (LE);
Publication of scientific journals and books - via CEFIN Publishing House, the most important product being the International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (, which is indexed in the following international databases: SCOPUS, EICompendex, EBSCO and ProQuest;
Integrated systems management;
Trainings and mentoring services in the activity fields covered by the Institute.
INCDMTM Capabilities and Skills
Services for the automotive industry, 2022, INCDMTM