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The National Institute of Research and Development in Mechatronics and Measurement Technique (INCDMTM) , based on a rich tradition and an active presence - of over 50 years in Mechatronics and Intelligent Measurement Technique - is the only research-development institute activating in this industrial field, in Romania.

INCDMTM operates based on Government Decision no. GD 1303/1996, with subsequent amendments: GD 590/2000, ROF approval, GD 21/2006, ROF amendment, GD 1007/2008, title change (Mechatronics and Measurement Technique appears), GD 1029/2009, approval of the new ROF.

The research and development directions developed within the National Plan for research and development and innovation, the Sectoral Plans and "Nucleu" Program, within the International R&D and Innovation Programs, and other specific activities include:
1. Smart Measurement Mechatronics:
• Mechatronic integrated control systems;
• Smart precision and control measurements;
• Complex automation and control systems;
• Environmental engineering and systems based on renewable energy;
• Smart thermotechnical measurements.
2. Biomedical and Robotic Mechatronics:
• Biomechatronics;
• Smart systems. Data Acquisitions and Robotics;
• Investigation Microsystems. Biosensors and Biomaterials;
• Rapid Prototypingy;
3.Micro and Mechatronic Nanotechnologies:
• Micro and process nanotechnologies;
• Mechatronic MEMS and NEMS;
• Smart Measurement Technologies;
• Preparation of metallographic samples;
• Smart mechatronic systems for site securing and intervention.

At the same time, INCDMTM carries out additional related activities, which support the main research activity:
Technological transfer of its own research results and consultancy services - via the Relay Center for Technological Transfer and Consultancy (CRTTC), accredited via the Certificate no. 147/2023;
Development and marketing strategies; analysis, testing and assessment services performed in its laboratories accredited by RENAR: The Length Testing Laboratory (LIL) and The Pressure, Temperature Calibration Laboratory (LE);
Publication of scientific journals and books - via CEFIN Publishing House, the most important product being the International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (www.ijomam.com), which is indexed in the following international databases: SCOPUS, EICompendex, EBSCO and ProQuest;
Integrated systems management;
Trainings and mentoring services in the activity fields covered by the Institute.

To find out more about the specific activities, research results and services we offer, please consult the brochures and catalogs below:


INCDMTM Capabilities and Skills

Results of RDI in INCDMTM

Services for the automotive industry, 2022, INCDMTM

INCDMTM facilitates employees' access to scientific literature through the ANELIS PLUS project.
For details, click on the image below: